
Thursday, December 19, 2013

NESARA, The Galactic Federation, and the 3-step pattern of deception

 NESARA, The Galactic Federation, and the 3-step pattern of deception

Origin and History of NESARA:

NESARA is an acronym for the proposed National Economic Security and Reformation Act, a set of economic reforms suggested during the 1990s by Dr. Harvey Barnard. The bill was never passed in Congress (actually I don't think it even got introduced) so Dr. Barnard decided to post it on the internet. Then, sometime in the mid-90s, along comes a woman with an internet screen name of "Dove of Oneness". She hijacks the bill (figuratively speaking) and adds some bizarre "spiritual" and "ET" trimmings to it and starts promoting it as the thing that will save the world just as soon as "The White Knights" are able to out smart the Illuminati and clear the way for a big announcement to the world at large.

I was curious about this and almost started to fall for it until I noticed a pattern in the "progress reports" that she posted. It was the same 3-step pattern of announcements that I'd noticed with the so-called Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation Of Light messages from Sheldon Nidle. The pattern goes like this:

Step 1:
Big announcement about some coming event on a given date. In the case of the Galactic Federation of Light (Ashtar) it's usually the big ET landing or a spectacular showing of Federation craft in the skies. In the case of NESARA it's usually the big public revealing of the NESARA bill or maybe the great White Knights are going to have an important meeting with the President. The point is, the event (whatever it's touted to be) is going to give us all a reason for great joy and celebration.

Step 2: The date comes and goes and the big event doesn't happen.
Step 3: Another announcement. But this time it's in the form of an excuse explaining why the event didn't happen. The "channeled" excuse (for both NESARA and the Galactic Federation) usually goes something like this:

"Dear Ones, we know you must be disappointed that [insert event] didn't occur as planned. We are also disappointed as we had invested much time, love and energy into what we hoped would be a successful event. The negative influences now in positions of power in your beautiful country and in other countries around the world are more powerful than we had imagined. They found out about our plans and implemented measures to disrupt us at every turn. But rest assured that you are loved, you are precious to us, and we are not giving up. Have faith and know we are here for you."

Then some time passes (maybe weeks, maybe a month or so) and pretty soon the next big announcement comes (Step-1). The plans have been worked out and the event can finally take place. Yippee! Of course it doesn't happen and then comes steps 2 and 3. And it goes on and on, just like Blossom Goodchild's big Galactic Federation non-event in October of 2008.

So who was "Dove of Oneness"? Her real name was Shaini Goodwin, a former student of The Ramtha School Of Enlightenment. Ms. Goodwin was eventually charged with defrauding an elderly woman out of at least $10,000.

The latest news is that Goodwin passed away in May, 2010 ( Whether that's true or not I have no idea. But what made me roll my eyes is that her death is being characterized as a heroic sacrifice. The claim is that destructive earth changes were close at hand and the only way to stop them from happening was for "Prime Creator" to come to earth. Apparently Prime Creator was just sitting around waiting for the signal which, of course, was Goodwin's death. Here's a quote from the article:

"Hers was a mission that cost her life on this plane but most certainly an ending she was willing to endure and a price she was prepared to pay, knowing it would signal the Prime Creator to finish the mission as written should the hierarchy fail and she were to die.  Upon Dove’s death, the Prime Creator would appear, stop the earth changes from occurring and remove all male hierarchy from this universe vigorously and immediately.  These actions did take place and we all stand ALIVE today because they did."

So, if you're reading this right now, you have Ms. Goodwin to thank.

Now someone calling herself/himself "Blue Star the Pleiadian" has reinvented NESARA with a whole new twist. This time around there's no mention whatsoever of anything having to do with the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. Now, miraculously, what used to be an acronym for a proposed economics bill has morphed into the name of a "spiritual" entity, the "great Mother".

My guess is that whoever is behind this new version of NESARA is betting that people just getting their feet wet in the "New Age" movement will be so taken in by the sugar-coated messages of this "Great Mother NESARA" that they won't bother to do any research on their own to find out any background of where this all originated. Here is what "Blue Star the Pleiadian" has to say:

"NESARA is the great MOTHER; it is she who assists in deciding what needs changed here on this planet. It is she who has long awaited her timeline to enter here. It is she who is the  true voice of We the People.  All the true NESARIANS need to step forward and bathe themselves in her glory, rebirth in her glorious wake, for she is here for you, one and all." (

More from Blue Star the Pleiadian here:

So why am I posting this? The reason I'm posting this information is because, after years of involvement and participation in the so-called New Age community, I've seen so many scams come and go and I've noticed that a great many people who are attracted to the New Age concepts seem to be ready to accept just about anything that promises peace, love, light and eternal bliss. We'd all like to acquire peace, love, light and eternal bliss but a lot of what's being offered as such is really just something someone made up and is passing it off as "Truth". The problem is, many who think of themselves as truth seekers don't bother to take the time to investigate the facts behind the alleged "truth" that's being offered to them.

In the pre-internet days it was pretty difficult to do such investigative research. But there's really no excuse anymore. The internet, with Google and other search engines at our fingertips, has made the task much easier. Even in the New Age the old axiom still holds: "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is."

• • • • • •
NOTE: For my take on the phenomenon known as "channeling", see my post: 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

 A UFO News-1 Special Investigative Report

Back around 2000/2001 I was publishing an internet newsletter called UFO News-1. It was endorsed by Whitley Strieber as “the best and most comprehensive newsletter of its kind on the internet”. Below is one of the articles from the newsletter concerning my investigation into an alleged UFO-related manuscript. It’s of some interest to people who are into the historical aspects of ufology. Interestingly enough, the story involves George Adamski and his friend, Desmond Leslie.


A UFO News-1 Special Investigative Report

by Gary Val Tenuta

 Anyone who has researched the UFO phonemenon to any good extent has very likely come across the story of what is known as the Ampleforth Manuscript. References to it can be found in various books, from Jacque Vallee's Anatomy Of A Phenomenon (1965) to John Spencer's The UFO Encyclopedia (1991) and even in the classic The Truth About Flying Saucers (1956) by world renown French ufologist, Aimé Michel. But what is the Ampleforth Manuscript? A short paragraph from Andy Page's (now defunct) web site of Famous UFO Cases is a typical example of how other writers have described it:

There is a record of the discovery of a very old manuscript in Ampleforth Abbey which gives a startling account of a flying saucer over Byland Abbey in Yorkshire. The event is reported to have been witnessed by monks in the year 1290 when "a large round silver thing like a disc flew slowly over them and excited the greatest terror".

Photo of Byland Abby ruins:

This manuscript would be quite a remarkable artifact, especially for researchers looking into the past for evidence that the UFO phenomenon has been with us for a very long time. In fact this manuscript has indeed been touted by many a ufologist as being just that: evidence of UFOs in our skies going back to at least the 13th century A.D.

There's just one problem. No one has ever seen the manuscript.

Why? Is it because the manuscript has been occulted away in some dark dusty corner of the old Ampleforth Abbey in England where it is purported to reside? Is it under heavy guard? Has it been destroyed by zealous Monks? Why have so many ufologists spoken of it over the past 40 years yet none of them have ever really revealed much information about its content? UFO News-1 was curious to find the truth about this mysterious manuscript so we decided to look for the original source of the story. Our initial search yielded no useful information. We couldn't even find information telling us why the manuscript was called the Ampleforth Manuscript in the first place.

What, exactly, was Ampleforth? Could it be the name of the person who discovered the manuscript? It seemed like a reasonable clue, so we followed up on it.
We soon discovered it was the name of a monastery called Ampleforth Abbey in England.

The Abbey was founded in the mid 1800s by Monks who were driven out of France during the Revolution. But we were puzzled. If the alleged disc-shaped UFO flew over the Byland Abbey, as the story goes, and was supposedly recorded by Monks of the Byland Abbey, why did that report become known as the Ampleforth Manuscript rather than the Byland Manuscript? Nevertheless, since it was indeed known as the Ampleforth Manuscript, we decided to write to the Ampleforth Abbey to see what we might learn.

We discovered the Abbey had it's own extensive library and through the modern miracle of the Internet we contacted the Ampleforth Abbey librarian, a Mr. Anselm Cramer, and we struck gold. Not only was Mr. Cramer familiar with the story of the famous manuscript and its proliferation throughout UFO lore over the years but he had a personal connection to it. While Mr. Cramer was quite willing to disclose what he knew about it, the news he gave us was not particulary what we were hoping for:

I doubt if you will appreciate my information, wrote Cramer. The MS is a spoof. It was invented by two friends of mine when we were at school here in 1953. They wrote a letter to the Times (London) under an assumed name (A. X. Chumley), and gave the information which has been misleading experts (I suppose that was their intention) ever since. Especially Desmond Leslie (another old boy of the school), who may well (in a lecture) have unwittingly put the idea into their heads.

Cramer went on to write:
One of them died not long after (in a road accident) but the other is now a retired professor of Philosophy. I shall see if he has any documentation and put it on our information site ( It may take a little while to gather: it seems to be needed.

Sorry to dash any hopes you may have had. We do have the high altar stone from Byland - it is only three miles away -and some bits and pieces from opened tombs, and some (printed) information about the pre-dissolution monks. But no men from Mars.


Anselm Cramer OSB

Monastery Librarian

Ampleforth Abbey

York YO62 4EN

We explained to Cramer that while, yes, perhaps our hopes had been dashed, we were really interested in the truth, whatever that might turn out to be. We asked if he could provide us with a copy of that London Times article. Cramer responded:

I thought you might say some of this, so I wrote to my friend yesterday. As he lives in the middle of a field in a remote rural area, the letter may take a day or two...
Your requests may need a little clearing, but I don't aniticipate [sic] much problem.

Anselm Cramer OSB

Monastery Librarian

Ampleforth Abbey

York YO62 4EN

Within a week or so we received a copy of the original London Times article along with the following letter:

Here is the origin of the spoof, from a copy sent me by Dr. Charlton, the spoofer. I do not know if he is willing to enter into correspondence – he was, after all, somewhat younger at the time - but if you wish to write a letter to him care of us I can forward it.

Anselm Cramer OSB

Monastery Librarian

Ampleforth Abbey

York YO62 4EN

We did draft a letter to Dr. Charlton which was forwarded to him by Anselm Cramer but we've received no reply from the good doctor. Apparently he was not willing to discuss the matter.

We found it very interesting to note that Cramer mentioned a Mr. Desmond Leslie as perhaps being the person who, knowingly or unknowingly, inspired the two young monks of Ampleforth Abbey to concoct this hoax. It just so happens that Mr. Leslie co-authored a book, Flying Saucers Have Landed, with George Adamski. Adamski, as some of our readers will recall, was one of the first people to claim face-to-face contact with beings from another world back in the early 1950s. He is also perhaps the first to have published remarkably clear photos of "flying saucers". The photos have been a point of controversy ever since. Was it just coincidence that the Leslie/Adamski book, Flying Saucers Have Landed, was published in 1953, the same year Dr. Charlton and his friend (both young students at the time) wrote the now famous letter to the editor of the Times? Perhaps not.

Flying Saucers Have Landed was on the book stands just seven months after the article about the mysterious manuscript appeared in the Times. Knowing it takes some time for a book to get published and out on the shelves after it has been written, we can safely assume Leslie (who wrote the majority of the book's content) had been working on the book for at least a few months prior to it's publication date of September, 1953. The Times article was published in February of 1953. It's not unreasonable to assume Leslie's book was still in progress at that time. The reason we bring up this matter of timing between the two events is because of what is written in chapter 2 of his book. This chapter is devoted to a long list of supposedly documented incidents which can be interpreted as UFO sightings going back several centuries. Leslie begins, right off the bat, with this opening statement:

We shall not go back too far at first. A.D. 1290 is as good a place to begin as any. We have on our right, Ladies and Gentlemen, an old manuscript discovered at Ampleforth Abbey in January 1953, which gives a very clear account of a flying saucer passing over the startled community of Byland Abbey in Yorkshire.

Leslie then presents the text of this alleged manuscript in Latin. Following the Latin text he writes:

A.X. Chumley who supplied this information, gives the following translation:
'Took the sheep from Wilfred and roasted them on the feast of S.S. Simon and Jude. But when Henry the Abbott was about to say grace, John, one of the bretheren, came in and said there was a great portent outside. Then they all ran out, and Lo! a large round silver thing like a disk flew slowly over them and excited the greatest terror. Whereat Henry the Abbott immediately cried that Wilfred was an adulterer, wherefore it was impious to...'

Supposedly the rest of the alleged manuscript was missing and this was the only portion our mysterious A. X. Chumley discovered. But Leslie then goes on to describe yet another rather coincidental incident:
There is a remarkable similarity in this report to that sent to the Editor of the London Observer on 23 March 1953 by Bruce Angrave, M.S.I.A., who also saw a "large round silver thing like a disk pass slowly over the Milan Cathedral on 2 November 1952.

But the coincidental events don't stop there. The whole point of the book, Flying Saucers Have Landed, was to showcase George Adamski's alleged meeting with a man from Venus in the Arizona desert; an event which supposedly took place on 22 November 1952, just a couple weeks after the Milan Cathedral sighting reported in the Observer. Who was Bruce Angrave? Was his Milan Cathedral sighting genuine? Or was that, too, a hoax? Could Angrave have been an assumed name like A. X. Chumley? Could he have, in fact, been A. X. Chumley whom we now know as Dr. Charlton? Is it possible this was all one elaborate hoax, set up by Leslie and Adamski for the sole purpose of selling Adamski's story in a book? Certainly one might make that conclusion, given much of what has been discovered recently concerning the Adamski photos which sheds some degree of suspicion on all of Adamski's claims. Yet still we are left wondering.

Yes, it appears the Ampleforth Manuscript was a hoax. However, the entire picture is not as cut and dried as one might be led to believe. For one thing, UFO News-1 is not ready to close the door on the Adamski story quite yet. There are other photos which appear to show the same or very similar types of UFOs, photos which were taken by other people at other times and at other locations. These still need to be explained especially since this particular UFO is so unique in design compared to all other types of UFOs which have been reported and photographed over the years. Also, it is well documented that there was a huge flap of UFO sightings, nation wide, during the early to mid 1950s. Given this, it's just possible Adamski did have some sort of an alien encounter and was perhaps cajoled by Leslie and others to elaborate, shall we say, on the reality of the story for the sake of drama. This may also have been the motivation for publishing a few well timed, albeit false, UFO reports in major newspapers, to help bolster Adamski's story. This is all speculation, of course, but we can't help wondering.

As a final word, we'd like to mention something we discovered just as we were at the end of our research into this story of the Ampleforth Manuscript. We found someone else had already busted this hoax back in the 1960s. The investigator was one Samuel Rosenberg, a member of the infamous Condon Committee (also known as THE COLORADO PROJECT). This committee was a government sponsored attempt, instigated by then Senator Gerald Ford (later to become U.S. President) to study the UFO phenomenon. The results of the committee's investigation of the UFO phenomenon, published in the Condon Report (1969) were highly criticized by ufologists because of the apparently poor manner in which the investigations were conducted and especially because of Dr. Condon's own negatively prejudiced attitude toward the whole UFO question in general. Nevertheless, in Section V, Chapter 1 of the Report, Rosenberg presents an exposé of the Ampleforth Manuscript quite similar to what we have presented here in our investigative report.

Rosenberg's information came from different sources but the conclusions were the same. The fact that the Ampleforth Manuscript was revealed as a hoax some 30 years ago and was published in a major Report which is well known to any good ufologist, and the fact that UFO News-1 was able to make the same discoveries, independently, with relatively little trouble, and the fact that, despite this, the Ampleforth story has remained virtually unquestioned and accepted as true by so many researchers for over 40 years, says something about the state of ufology.

We realize the Ampleforth hoax is not a major item in the bigger picture of UFO research but perhaps it serves as a lesson by way of example. The UFO phenomenon is complex, complicated, and even what might be described as just plain messy in some respects. If we are ever to get to the truth behind this phenomenon, researchers need to be ever watchful, discerning, and, yes, even skeptical. Skepticism is too often considered a dirty word in the UFO community. It's mistakenly confused with debunking. They're not the same. Debunkers do what Stanton Friedman calls research by proclamation. In other words, they dismiss everything out of hand without really looking into the facts. A good skeptic simply questions everything but makes no judgement without first engaging in some reasonably comprehensive research to find what he/she believes to be the truth. But then, that's just our opinion and God knows there are plenty of those to go around.

Copyright 2001, Gary Val Tenuta

Friday, November 8, 2013

Excerpt from Chapter-17 of Ash: Return Of The Beast

Excerpt from Chapter-17 of Ash: Return Of The Beast

“Harok uzni hadahs. Harok uzni hadahs. Harok uzni hadahs! Lalartu, sixth Offspring of the Old Ones! Blood demon! Dweller amongst the undead! Come! Thou who dost slay mothers at the moment of birth! Come! Carry me to the sixth of nine and light the path for my return! Then we shall be as One! Harok uzni hadahs!”

The sixth candle began shaking, vibrating furiously. The flame flared beyond its natural capacity, filling the room with a blinding light. Cowl's body went limp as the intense brilliance subsided.

At that moment, Cowl's virtual double – enshrouded in a hooded robe – materialized in the restroom at the concert hall where Pastor St. Martin was in the process of unzipping his pleated black trousers.

Deep in thought about the protest he was about to lead against the Death-Metal band, Mega Therion – that abomination and corruptor of innocent youth – the preacher was about to relieve his straining bladder when his attention was suddenly drawn to an unexpected reflection in the mirror before him. He froze, staring at the dark hooded figure standing not five feet behind him. A crackling sound came from above. St. Martin looked up. The fluorescent tubes on the ceiling were flickering like strobe lights. A moment later the room went dark.

St. Martin panicked. He spun around, his piss spattering onto the green tiled floor. One fluorescent tube in the corner flickered and came on, barely illuminating the darkness with a dim, bluish glow. “Jesus!” he said, fumbling awkwardly at his zipper.

“Not exactly,” the Hooded Figure replied from the shadows. The haunting voice came from deep within the folds of the large drooping hood. “But you would do well to pray.” The Hooded Figure then took one step forward from the shadows into the gloomy half-light.

The preacher jerked back with a sharp gasp. He searched for a face somewhere in the dark void of the hood but he could only catch a tiny glint of light reflecting off the whites of the eyes. What is this? He believed in demons but… No… this must be some kind of a joke. A sick joke.

The Hooded Figure took another step forward, then stopped.

The preacher sucked in another gasp and shuffled backward until he was pressed up against the hard, cold porcelain urinal.

The Hooded Figure lolled its head to one side, then the other, casually studying the pathetic excuse for a man who was shaking like a timid mouse trapped in a corner.

The mouse swallowed hard, his eyes darting this way and that, wanting to run but unable to move. “Who are you? What do you want?”

The Hooded Figure advanced another step but stopped as its foot made a splat in the puddle on the floor. It looked down and shook its head. “Tsk-tsk. What have you done? You're a very bad little boy.”


“Now who's going to clean that up?”

“I… I don't--”

“You don't know? Then I shall tell you.” The Hooded Figure's fatherly tone was gentle but firm. “You. You're going to clean this up.”

“Wh--what?” The preacher's lower lip was quivering.

“You're going to do exactly as I say. Now get down on the floor.”

“Don't hurt me. Please!”

The Hooded Figure raised an arm as if to strike the man. “The floor, goddamit! Now!”

St. Martin dropped to his knees, trembling. Without looking up, he muttered, nearly sobbing. “Why are you doing this? What do you want?”

“Not on your knees, you fucking imbecile. Down! On your stomach!”

St. Martin slowly lowered himself face down into the stench of his own urine.

The Hooded Figure nodded approvingly. “Very good. Now squirm around like the worm you are until you've sopped up every last drop of your filthy mess.”

The preacher's will to resist was overpowered by a force beyond his comprehension. Whimpering like a helpless child, he found himself squirming and writhing around in his own liquid waste until his clothes were soaked.

“Get up.”

St. Martin struggled to his feet, his legs quivering, his hands and face glistening wet, his clothes damp and wrinkled. He stunk of piss. The unpleasant odor wafted up into his nostrils. A chunk of vomit lodged in his throat. He gagged it down. It came up again. He swallowed. It burned his throat. His eyes welled up.

The Hooded Figure nodded. “That's much better, yes.”

 “I--I don't understand.” The preacher's voice was wavering and weak.  “What do you want from me?”

“Silence would be good.”

Silence? Somehow a moment of clarity had found its way into St. Martin's state of confusion and fear, offering a glimmer of hope. There must be other people in the building! He summoned what little will power he had left and acted on his flash of inspiration. “Let me go or I'll yell for help. I swear to God, I will.”

“Well, that would just ruin everything. But, if you insist, then by all means, please. Be my guest.”

The preacher was surprised by the response but wasn't about to waste another moment. He opened his mouth to yell but nothing came out. He tried again, every muscle in his throat straining, arteries bulging, his face contorting into hideous shapes. Again and again and still nothing. Finally, breathless, confused, shaking with fear, he sank to his knees and wept, pleading to God for this nightmare to end.

The Hooded Figure looked down at its victim and spoke in a measured, sympathetic tone. “I know. But it's almost over. Now get up and come toward me.”

The preacher's mouth moved as he tried to speak. Toward you? Again, no sound, but he could hear his own words clearly inside his own head.

“You heard me,” the Hooded Figure said. “Come here.”

The preacher then realized his thoughts were somehow being perceived by the hooded creature. The realization frightened him to the point of near madness. He was no longer alone in the sanctuary of his own mind. That frail barrier had been breached. The intruder was inside.

St. Martin's head dropped to his chest and he obeyed the command. He prayed as he moved against his own will toward the hooded figure. Our Father…

The Hooded Figure recited the prayer along with the preacher. “…who art in Heaven…”

The preacher struggled to hear his own inner voice over that of the monster. …deliver us from evil… But with those words he realized the futility of the effort. He left the prayer floating in limbo.

“What's the matter?” the Hooded Figure said. Forget the words?”

St. Martin's head lifted slowly as if it had become a tremendous weight. His eyes were empty.

“Too bad.” The Hooded Figure's voice was contemplative, almost compassionate. “It's a nice prayer, actually.” Then his tone switched abruptly. “But, no matter. We've got a couple more things to get done here. So let's get on with it, shall we? Come closer.”

St. Martin moved another step closer and waited – for what, he could not fathom. He didn't even try. He was an empty, distorted reflection of the once dynamic man who had, for years, passionately served the very God that had now, for some inscrutable reason, abandoned him to the will of this monster.

 “Now,” the Hooded Figure said, “I'm going to heal you.”


“C'mon. You know. The laying on of hands?” It raised an arm and extended a hand out of the dark sleeve toward the preacher's face. “Close your eyes. This might hurt a little.”

St. Martin's eyes suddenly clamped shut in spite of his straining to keep them open and the creature began to chant.

“Kah-hahdin azahn. Dinjah Dinjasa. Kah-hahdin azahn. Dinjah Dinjasa!”

The very sound of the strange words caused St. Martin to recoil in horror. God in heaven! Help me!

The Hooded Figure carried on, oblivious to the preacher's torment. “Hear me, O Lucifer! Son of the morning! Approve this invocation with the seal of my Master!” The Hooded Figure pressed its hand against the preacher's forehead and pushed hard. “Thy will be done! Aum. Ha!”

St. Martin's eyes flew open, bulging from their sockets. A searing pain ripped through his skull and burned like a hot poker under his rippling skin. He knew his screams, his desperate wailing cries for help, were heard by no one but himself, inside his own head. Paralyzed by the will of the monster, he was helpless to do anything but endure the torture. How many times during his ministry had he told people they were destined for Hell and now Hell had come to him.

The hooded figure withdrew its hand and stepped back.

St. Martin collapsed to the floor, a quivering heap of a shattered soul. Crowley's rendition of the Lucifer Seal was now seared into the flesh of his forehead.

The Hooded Figure nodded approvingly and knelt beside the preacher. “I told you it might hurt a little.” The tone was mockingly sympathetic. “Now just relax. I'm going to prepare you for something special.”

The preacher's eyes pleaded for mercy.

“I know, I know. But we're just getting to the good part. You'll like this. Trust me.” The Hooded Figure slowly unbuttoned the preacher's shirt, spread it open, rolled the undershirt up to the man's chin and gazed upon the smooth canvas of naked flesh. “Ahhhh, yes. Very, very nice.”

The preacher struggled against the psychic straightjacket this monster had strapped around him. It was no use. His inability to move of his own will was pushing him ever further toward the edge of madness. He tried again to catch a glimpse of his tormentor's face but looking into the darkness of the cavernous hood was like staring into the proverbial valley of the shadow of death. I will fear no evil…

“Ah, yes,” the Hooded Figure said. “The ol' twenty-third Psalm. Very good. How's it workin' for ya? You know, my dear mother used to read that to me at night, just after making me recite something about 'if I should die before I wake'. I slept real good with that going through my mind. Do you make your kids say that one? I bet you do. I bet you fucking make your kids say that one.”

A pitiful noise gurgled up from St. Martin's throat.

 “Yeah, that's what I figured.”

The restroom door suddenly rattled.

The preacher's eyes lit up. Someone was trying to open it. I knew there had to be someone else here! Help! Please!

The door rattled again.

Once more the preacher's silent pleas echoed inside his own head. Help! Please, help me!

The rattling stopped. “Damn it!” came a frustrated voice from beyond the door. The curse was followed by the barely audible sound of fading footsteps. The preacher's last glimmer of hope was walking away.

“Oh, come on. You didn't really think I'd let just anybody walk in here, did you? This is our time, just you and me. Now, be a good little boy and close your eyes. No peeking.”

Once again, St. Martin's eyelids fluttered uncontrollably as they struggled to resist the power that was drawing them closed. Dear God, this isn't happening! Tears squeezed out from behind his clamped eyelids. Don't let… Oh, Jesus… What is that?

• • •

Want more? Here ya go....

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Indie Book Promo - ain't gonna do it no mo'- welcome to my pity party - somebody shoot me boogie blues

Altogether now... ready? A one, a two...

You blurb all day
You blurb all night
Blurb, blurb, blurb
Til the early mornin' light.
Hopin' your book
Is the one they'll choose.
And when the sales don't come
You feel like a bum.
You got the Indie Book Promo
Ain't gonna do it no mo'
Welcome to my pity party
Somebody shoot me boogie blues.

The Indie Book Promo Blues
Yeah, it's the Indie Book Promo Blues.
Your precious time you fritter
On Facebook and Twitter
Tryin' hard to spread the news.
Then when no one bites
You turn out the lights
And cry the Indie Book Promo
Ain't gonna do it no mo'
Welcome to my pity party
Somebody shoot me boogie blues.

The reason why there are a million (well, okay, only a little over half a million on amazon) "How To" books on the subject of book marketing is because that's what every indie author wants to know. How to? Probably everything you read about the subject in those books is good advice, to some degree or another. Unfortunately, most of it isn't likely to result in a whole lot of sales. Why?

I suspect it probably has something to do with the fact that the market is now saturated to the hilt with books by indie authors. In a single year (2009 to 2010) nearly 3 million indie paperbacks were published (according to an estimate by Bowker's "Books In Print"). That breaks down to about 625,000 books a month! And that's just paperbacks! The number of ebooks published would likely double that amount. And it hasn't slowed down. If anything, the number of independently published books (paperback and ebook) published per year continues to increase.

That being the case, it's almost pointless to spend time promoting your book to a general population of readers. One of the best pieces of advice is to identify a specific target population, people who would be most likely to buy your book if they knew it existed.

 You can find a lot of online sites, forums, groups and book clubs that are dedicated to a specific genre (for example, "Fantasy"). That's great. The only problem, for an author, is that it seems most of such groups are not particularly author friendly. That is, they either flat out don't allow authors to promote their books on the group pages or, if they do allow it, they'll have it set up so that promotions are only allowed in a specific "author promotion" section on the group site. A lot of the groups at are set up like that. That seems like a good idea, right? I mean, I can see the reasoning. If they allowed promos on the discussion pages, we pesky indie authors would invade in droves of Biblical proportion like a plague of locusts. Thing is, it seems most of the group members who aren't authors, (and that's usually the majority) never (or hardly ever) bother to check out the book promotion section. Why? Because most of them still seem to be under the impression that if you self-published your book, it's probably not worth reading. Anyway, the result is that the only people who visit that section are other authors whose primary reason for going to that section isn't to find new books to read. No, they're only there to post a promo blurb for their own book.

Authors promoting to other authors.

That's become the case all over the internet. There are a ton of book-related Facebook groups where authors are encouraged to promote their books but, again, it's just hundreds of authors promoting to other authors whose primary reason for being there isn't to find a good book to read. They're only on that page (for a minute or two) to promote their own book. People who actually want to find a new book to read rarely (if ever) go to one of those Facebook pages.

Of course authors are readers, too. And once in a blue moon, another author will see your promo blurb on Facebook or Twitter and they'll click the link and buy the book. It's rare, but it does happen. I belong to over a dozen book-related Facebook groups and I do post promos at least 2 or 3 times a week on all of those group pages but, honestly, I don't think it does much good. So why do I do it? I guess because at least I feel like I'm doing something!

What about purchasing ad space, like on or Facebook? Some people do get a few sales from those ads. I've tried both but they didn't seem to result in any sales.

What about Twitter? Seems like every author now has a Twitter account. But do promo tweets result in sales? Maybe, once in a while, but the problem with Twitter is that there's no way to know if a sale was the result of having tweeted a promo blurb. There's no way to track that. I use Twitter quite a bit but, to tell you the truth, I think it's probably more of a waste of time than it is an effective sales tool. Again, I think I do it only because it's there and it makes me feel like I'm doing something rather than doing nothing at all.

What about giveaways? I tried the Kindle 5-day free download thing. At the end of the 5 days, nearly 500 copies of my novel (Ash: Return Of The Beast) had been downloaded. I have no idea how many of those 500 people actually read the book after they downloaded it but none of them bothered to post a review on amazon. Getting reviews is really the primary reason for giving the book away in the first place. The more reviews your book has on amazon, the more likely it might attract other readers.

Some people have had better luck with the giveaways but, from what I've heard (from other authors who have tried it), it's not all that effective. Some authors have argued, saying, "Well, at least now my book is being read by hundreds of people!" Well, maybe. What they don't seem to realize is that there are 10s of thousands of people out there who are practically addicted to scarfing up as many free ebooks as possible just because they can. They'll probably never get around to actually reading most of them.

What about personal blogs? I'm pretty much a newbie when it comes to blogging. This blog has only been in existence for a few weeks and it's had only a little over 500 page views. All I know, at this point, is that those 500+ page views haven't yet translated into a single book sale. But, like I said, I'm still new at this and looking forward to seeing how it goes.

Another suggestion you'll often find in those "How To" books is to "engage in conversations with readers without necessarily promoting your book". The idea is that sooner or later, as people get to know you, they'll want to know more about your books and that will result in sales. Been there, done that (still doing it) and it's not all that effective. Nothing wrong with engaging in online conversations with people who love books but the bottom line is you'll end up investing a LOT of time for very little (if any) actual return in terms of book sales.

So what's an author to do? That's what we ALL want to know. The best advice I can offer is to just do what you can (all of the above) with the realization that it's probably not going to result in a lot of sales. And while you're doing those various promo activities, keep on writing! Get another book out there. Or a series of short stories or novellas. The more books you have available, the better the odds of getting sales. If you have one book available, you might only get 2 sales in a month. But if you have two books available, and two of each are purchased, you've collected royalties on four sales that month, and so on. It takes time for the sales numbers to build up. But as your sales numbers increase (along with the number of reviews), so does the ranking of your books in amazon's system. The higher the ranking the more visible your book will be for people using key words to search for specific kinds of books on amazon.

Of course there's always the possibility that your book contains that undefinable magical "something" that excites the first few readers so much that they tell all their friends they just have to read it, and then it becomes an over-night cultural phenomenon, in which case a big publisher will offer you a ton of money for the rights and you'll no longer have to suffer the Indie Book Promo - ain't gonna do it no mo' - welcome to my pity party - somebody shoot me boogie blues.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

CHANNELING: Real or Fake? An Alternative Explanation

I’ve been intrigued for years by the phenomenon known as channeling. I first became aware of this activity back in the 1970s with the publication of The Seth Material by Jane Roberts. The next popular channeler to hit the scene was J.Z. Knight, channeling the entity named Ramtha. Then came Lee Carroll’s Kryon. Soon there was Sheldon Nidle and the Galactic Federation of Light, Barbara Marciniac with the Pleiadians and Phyllis Schlemmer’s Council of Nine. Many more have followed in their wake, perhaps numbering in the hundreds just in America alone, although most of them are not as well known.

I’ve attended four channeling sessions, by four different channelers, out of curiosity. What intrigued me about all of them, and about all channelers in general, is that it’s virtually impossible to know if they’re really channeling or if they’re faking it. Any rational person would tend to think even those who are not consciously faking it are in any case probably victims of some sort of dissociative personality disorder, or some kind of temporary psychological break from reality during which time they experience audio hallucinations. So I decided to see if any serious research had been done on this phenomenon by qualified behavioral scientists. To my surprise I found there has been some work done in this area of research.

I won’t bother to go into the details of that research now. Much of it has been summarized here:

The bottom line is that a number of explanations have been proposed from the results of the research. All of the explanations, of course, are based on the psychological and psychiatric data accumulated over the past hundred years or so. On the other hand, some of the research is based on more current science such as quantum mechanics. For example, the work of renowned theoretical physicist, David Bohm, is mentioned in the material on the page linked above. His idea of the “implicate and explicate” order, or realms of reality, was never really intended to explain the phenomenon of channeling.

 Nevertheless, it does provide a basis for such an explanation that gets beyond the more conventional explanations derived from psychology and psychiatry. In fact, Bohm's idea (based in quantum physics) of how reality is structured (and there are several others in the field of quantum mechanics who tend to agree with his hypotheses) eventually boils down to something very similar to the explanations of channeling that are provided by the channeled entities themselves. In simplified terms, it often goes something like this:

There is but One Source and we (along with the channeled entities themselves) are all part of that One Source. Therefore, there is always a natural channel of communication available between us, them (the channeled entities) and the One Source. But it occurred to me that there just might be yet another explanation for the channeling phenomenon. Let’s call it the Simulated Reality Hypothesis or SRH.

Sometime back in the 1980s my son told me that the video game arcade, where he liked to hang out, was going to be the first in the country to acquire a holographic video game. Instead of the characters in the game being displayed on a computer screen they would be displayed, in 3-Dimensional form, on a flat surface that you could view from every angle, 360 degrees around the platform.

Unfortunately, that turned out to be an unsubstantiated rumor and never came to pass. But it did spark a vision in my mind:

I suddenly envisioned the earth as a platform (metaphorically speaking) and that we humans are merely holographic projections moving around on that platform. Not only are we moving around but (and this was a little disturbing) perhaps we are being controlled to some degree by “someone” or some “thing”, in some other dimension. In other words, this invisible entity (or group of entities) is playing an incredibly sophisticated, high-tech, holographic computer game and we are the characters in a simulated reality.

By some “coincidence”, just a week or so after having this intuitive flash, I was introduced to a book called The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav. To my amazement, Zukav was talking about very similar ideas derived from the science of quantum physics. Then, just a couple weeks later, I was in a book store and just happened to stumble onto a book called The Holographic Universe by science writer, Michael Talbot. This book is basically an overview of some of the ideas of some of the world’s leading thinkers and researchers in the field of quantum physics. Among them is the aforementioned physicist, David Bohm. As I read through this book I became more and more convinced that this idea that we are living in a simulated reality just might be the truth of the matter.

Since then, of course, we’ve all been introduced to that idea through three incredible movies: The Matrix, The Thirteenth Floor, and Dark City. Maybe there’s more to the fundamental idea behind these movies than most people are willing to consider. More to the point, maybe this idea also provides an explanation for the phenomenon we call “channeling”.

Dr. Nick Bostrom, a philosophy professor at Oxford, has written a fascinating paper entitled “Are You Living In a Computer Simulation?”. It’s available online:

In the introduction Bostrom writes:

Many works of science fiction as well as some forecasts by serious technologists and futurologists predict that enormous amounts of computing power will be available in the future. Let us suppose for a moment that these predictions are correct. One thing that later generations might do with their super-powerful computers is run detailed simulations of their forebears or of people like their forebears. Because their computers would be so powerful, they could run a great many such simulations. Suppose that these simulated people are conscious (as they would be if the simulations were sufficiently fine-grained and if a certain quite widely accepted position in the philosophy of mind is correct). Then it could be the case that the vast majority of minds like ours do not belong to the original race but rather to people simulated by the advanced descendants of an original race. It is then possible to argue that, if this were the case, we would be rational to think that we are likely among the simulated minds rather than among the original biological ones. Therefore, if we don’t think that we are currently living in a computer simulation, we are not entitled to believe that we will have descendants who will run lots of such simulations of their forebears. That is the basic idea. The rest of this paper will spell it out more carefully.

The paper is well written and Bostrom does a terrific job of presenting a convincing case for the idea that we are, indeed, living in a simulated reality generated by an extremely powerful computer system. So, for the sake of argument, let’s assume he’s right.

If that’s the case, then perhaps the messages that channelers are receiving are being transmitted from the program that is running the simulation and/or from the entities (advanced humans or otherwise) that are controlling the program. Perhaps these transmissions are simply scripted material devised as part of an experiment, a research project designed to see what effect the “messages” will have on the channeler (the primary subject who is directly receiving the messages) as well as on the rest of the people who, in turn, receive the message from the channeler.

Or worse yet, what if it’s nothing that “scientific”? What if it’s just some random entity (or group of entities) in some other dimension, sitting around playing a computer game for no purpose other than their personal amusement?

On the one hand, it seems like a bizarre idea. On the other hand, if you think about it, you might agree with me that it’s no more bizarre than the notion that the channelers are receiving their messages from Light Beings, Angels, Aliens, Spirit Guides, Galactic Federations, the Council of Nine and an assortment of Ascended Masters.

What do you think?

The Thirteenth Floor, movie trailer:

Dark City, Part 1 of 10:

Monday, August 5, 2013

The Mystery of the MAJESTIC-12 Documents

There exists a controversial set of purported Top Secret documents pertaining to the Government's involvement in the UFO phenomenon. The documents are known as the Majestic-12 documents. This is an article I wrote for Fate Magazine (1999) on the subject.

While this article was first published in 1999 the information it contains is a matter of historical record, still valid today, and provides a good introduction to the Majestic-12 controversy for those who may wish to pursue their own investigation of the subject.



Smoking Gun or Tool Of Disinformation?

By Gary Val Tenuta

"OPERATION MAJESTIC-12 is a TOP SECRET Research and Development/Intelligence operation responsible directly and only to the President of the United States. Operations of the project are carried out under control of the Majestic-12 (Majic-12) Group which was established by special classified executive order of President Truman on 24 September, 1947, upon recommendation by Dr. Vannevar Bush and Secretary James Forrestal." 

--  from page 1 of the MJ-12 report known as the Eisenhower Briefing document.

    Majestic-12 was established for the expressed purpose of investigating the crash of an extraterrestrial craft near the town of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Or so the story goes.

But did such an organization really exist? There is new evidence in the form of a set of documents which has many people believing it did. Yet, as would be expected with such controversial material, opinion remains divided. The story of the MJ-12 documents is now a two part saga, the first part having had its debut in 1984. For readers not familiar with this first part, the very short version goes as follows:

    In 1984, a TV producer by the name of Jaime Shandera quite unexpectedly received a mysterious package in his mailbox. The package had no return address. Inside was a role of 35mm film which, when developed, revealed what appeared to be an official briefing document prepared for then president-elect Dwight  D. Eisenhower.

It was stamped "TOP SECRET/MAJIC -- EYES ONLY". The briefing officer was listed as one Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter (MJ-1). Hillenkoetter was in fact the first director of the newly established CIA. The "MJ-1" is apparently a reference to his position on the panel of 12 men all of whom have been identified as real persons, both military and civilian, and who were alive at the time these documents were ostensibly dated. For the complete story, readers might want to locate a copy of Stanton Friedman's book, Top Secret/Majic which presents a detailed investigation and analysis of those documents.

As our current story unfolds, however, elements of the first case will be mentioned as there are documents common to each case. The discovery of the second set of documents and how they eventually came to public attention is a story involving a number of people. Let's begin then with a fellow by the name of Timothy Cooper.

    Cooper, a resident of California, was a self described "hardened skeptic" prior to his unexpected involvement in this series of events. In a recent interview with radio talk show host, Art Bell, Cooper said,

"I used to chide and laugh at people concerning UFO sightings and flying saucers".

It happened, however, that he had relatives who were military people and over a period of time, during casual conversations, they mentioned the Roswell incident and indicated that something unusual did occur near Roswell in July of 1947. This piqued Cooper's curiosity, especially since he had an interest in military history, so he began to research the story.

    Little by little, over a couple of years, he began to see some common threads linking the various versions of the Roswell story. He made personal contact with various military officers and acquired information from them which led him to believe there was truly a hot story here. He then began filing FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests for anything he might be able to get his hands on regarding not just the familiar Roswell incident but also other similar incidents which he had been told occurred in and around the same location within roughly the same time period. Soon, however, he acquired more than he bargained for.

    Suddenly, much to his surprise, he began receiving - in his post office box - what appeared to be genuine Top Secret military documents all relating to the now legendary Majestic-12 group.

Cooper had never requested these documents. Nevertheless, they kept coming, a few at a time, over a period of about four months. On a couple of occasions the documents were accompanied by  letters from a man who signed himself, Thomas Cantwheel. It was Cantwheel who was somehow getting these documents into Cooper's locked post office box.

Eventually, in 1995, Cooper had his first and, to date, his only face-to-face meeting with the mysterious Mr. Cantwheel who, Cooper surmised, must have been nearly 90 years old. Cantwheel enters the scene like a mysterious character right out of a good spy novel. According to Cooper, Cantwheel claimed to have been involved in army counter intelligence for nearly 50 years, beginning around 1942.

    In an exclusive email interview for this article, Cooper told me,

"He claimed to have been a double agent for the FBI and CIA while assigned to West Germany in the 50's. [He] was one of the original members of the Army's Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit, CIC, created by General Marshall in 1942 until 1958. [He] had knowledge of [the] JFK assassination and of [the] Oswald/CIA connection.

    "He told me via letter that I was the only researcher who was looking into the White Sands connection and had my phone tapped and my mail intercepted. I'm convinced of this because he revealed personal items about me that no one could have known and the fact that I did receive FOIA documents from Army G-2 and the NSA as he promised (Stan can verify).

    "I think he chose me because my information was close to the facts surrounding the 1947 UFO incidents in New Mexico and saw an opportunity to exploit what he knew. When I met him on July 16, 1995, he said he was sick and dying and wanted to get a lot of things off his conscience. I think he said that the time was coming when the UFO mystery would be exposed and that this and other information should be given to the public and possibly, the  intelligence community would have to release more, sooner or later (Stan and myself did receive Army CIC flying saucer files and NSA UFO files shortly after)".

Eventually Cooper contacted Stanton Friedman and mailed copies of the documents to him. Friedman is a UFO researcher with an impressive background of over fourteen years working under security as a nuclear physicist. He is perhaps best known for his extensive research into, and analysis of, the first set of MJ-12 documents which surfaced in 1984.

Upon receiving these "new" documents, Friedman immediately recognized at least one of these, known as the Eisenhower Briefing document. It was a duplicate of the one which came to Jaime Shandera in 1984; the same one Friedman had subsequently subjected to intensive investigation and analysis. It is interesting, at this point, to note the similar manner in which both sets of documents were initially obtained. They each simply appeared mysteriously in the mailboxes of completely unsuspecting recipients.

[An interesting side note here (especially in light of the fact that some researchers think these documents might be part of a disinformation project) is that, according to Friedman and Berliner in their book "Crash At Corona" (p.46), when Shandera received the role of film he was already working with another UFO researcher by the name of Bill Moore. Moore tarnished his own reputation as a UFO researcher when he later admitted to having once participated in a government intelligence disinformation project.]

    So once again Friedman found himself in the midst of the MJ-12 mystery and spent the next two years investigating these papers (apparently approaching nearly 200 pages) in an effort to verify their authenticity. The effort was fruitful but extremely time consuming. In time he decided to more or less turn the project over to his friend and colleague, Dr. Robert Wood and Wood’s son, Ryan. Both are residents of California.

Dr. Robert Wood

Ryan Wood

    Dr. Robert Wood is a retired physicist who worked for McDonnell-Douglas and served as an advisor to NASA in conjunction with the space station project. His son, Ryan, has degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science from the California Polytechnical Institute. When they received the documents from Friedman they were intrigued and excited by the role they would now fill as the primary investigators of what could be one of the most important discoveries in history. It was now up to them to pull together the resources and people who could help them determine the authenticity of these papers. So they proceeded diligently, quietly, behind the scenes for several years in an all out pursuit of the truth.

    Recently, the Woods came into contact with a young multi-millionaire entrepreneur named Joseph Firmage.

Joseph Firmage

Firmage has his own interests in the UFO phenomenon and persuaded the Woods to go public with these documents by posting them on the internet. And so, in late November of 1998, the documents appeared on Firmage’s web site. Shortly thereafter, the world was made aware of these documents when Michael Lindemann, editor of the respected CNI News online bulletin, broke the story on Jeff Rense’s highly touted, nationally broadcast, Sightings On The Radio. Immediately, the UFO community was a-buzz with excitement as the news spread like wild fire across the internet. Within a couple of weeks, the Woods appeared on Art Bell’s Coast-To-Coast radio program for an interview.

    In that interview Dr. Wood said the authenticity of the documents “depends on four or five different things”. He went on to list items such as the signatures of the various signers of the documents, the font of the typewriters used to produce the documents, characteristics of the paper they were written on, the chronology of the events described in the documents, and other such details. Regarding the signatures, he says many of them have been compared to other known signatures by these same men. Dr. Wood believes, from his comparative analysis, that the signatures are indeed authentic. Apparently, however, as of this writing, these signatures have yet to be analyzed by qualified handwriting experts.

    Dr. Wood found a number of things which point to the authenticity of at least some of the documents. He cited, for example, one of the documents known as the Einstein/Openheimer letter. He said the size of the paper is smaller in length and width than standard letter size paper and is consistent with a move by the government during WWII as part of a policy to save money on paper production. Dr. Wood's son, Ryan, also had an intriguing bit of information lending to the authenticity of the documents.

    Ryan Wood points to the fact that the documents contain many pieces of information that would be difficult for a hoaxer to come up with. He cites, for example, the document called the Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Report. This report states:

"As to the bodies recovered at LZ-2 [an MJ-12 code referring to a site near Socorro and the White Sands Missile Range -- GVT], it appeared that none of the five crew members survived entry into the atmosphere due to unknown causes".

    The document goes on to say that an autopsy was conducted on “one well preserved cadaver” by someone named Major Charles Rea. In the ongoing effort to verify the identities of the many names which appear throughout the MJ-12 documents, Ryan had a difficult time locating any record of a Major Charles Rea.

A thorough check of the government document section of the Stanford Library turned up nothing. He continued to search, however, and finally found Major Charles Rea listed in some literature on medical specialists. In the process of preparing this article Friedman told me Major Rea was a very prominent Physician-surgeon and head of medical services for the Manhattan Project covering Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Los Alamos, New Mexico; and Hanford, Washington. Rea was, according to Friedman, "a  likely candidate indeed for autopsying an alien body because of both his medical skills and his high security clearance". However, Friedman adds, "I have never seen his name mentioned in connection with anything no less UFOs though, as a nuclear physicist working on classified programs,  I have been at Hanford, Oak Ridge, and Los Alamos". Ryan Wood implied that the difficulty he incurred in his effort to dig up information on Major Rea was typical of what he and his father, as well as Stanton Friedman, have encountered in their attempts to verify many of the personnel names and other bits of information found in these documents.

Also cited was page-6 of the document known as the Intelligence Assessment. This document identifies John F. Kennedy as having been assigned to the department of Naval Intelligence as an officer during the war. It also says "some of the recovery operation" was made known to him. The fact that Kennedy served as an officer under Naval Intelligence is not widely known. This is just one more indication that these documents are either what they purport to be or, if fake, the perpetrator must have had deep access to military files including intelligence data.

It is precisely this sort of thing that leads Robert and Ryan Wood to believe it would be extremely difficult for someone to have simply fabricated these documents. And as Stanton Friedman has pointed out, after all these years no one has come forward to chide us and say, "Ha ha, it was me! I got you all!"

Another example is the document known as the White Hot Intelligence Estimate. As in other portions of the MJ-12 documents, there is information here that corresponds with similar information found in entirely, and otherwise unrelated, sources. Even if some of this information is readily found in other sources, that doesn’t necessarily mean a hoaxer borrowed it from one source and inserted it into another. In fact, just the opposite might be the case. Such duplication of similar information from divergent sources could be seen as corroborating evidence of the factual nature of the information.

The White Hot Intelligence Estimate is dated 24 September, 1947. It mentions navigation controls, the operation of which, could be linked to artifacts described and speculated on by the late Colonel Philip J. Corso in his book The Day After Roswell (Pocket Books, 1997). The MJ-12 report describes navigation and engine controls “...activated by tactile manipulation of the fingers, feeding impulses to the brain and vice versa”. Colonel Corso, in his book, described what he called “headbands” which were on the dead alien bodies found at the crash site. On page 109 of his book he calls these items “sensorized headbands” and suggested these devices somehow picked up brainwave activity, virtually translating thought into electronic “system commands” used to control the operation and navigation of the craft.

It is interesting to note that the White Hot Intelligence Estimate is dated 24 September, 1947. This date is just one day after the dating of a report mentioned in Corso’s book. That report, dated 23 September, 1947 was from General Twining to Brigadier General George Schulgen.

This is the famous report, probably acquired through a FOIA request, in which Twining, referring to what he called “flying disks”, states unequivocally:

“The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious”.

    This “new” set of MJ-12 documents is not without it’s drawbacks, however. Among other things, such as questionable dates, there are a number of misspelled words. However, the item which has caused considerable controversy is found in the document called Majestic Twelve Project First Annual Report. The report is dated 1952. Within the text of this document is the word “retro-virus”. The question is, did this medical term exist in 1952? At the time of this writing, Ryan Wood, after an intensive search of the literature in the Stanford University medical library, has yet to come up with anything to show this term in use during the time the document is alleged to have been authored.

 Reportedly, according to Michael Lindemann, there is mention of a nonhyphenated version of the word in the medical literature after the mid 1970s. Lindemann points out, however, and others including Stanton Friedman agree, that even if some of these documents are not purely authentic it does not necessarily follow that the whole batch is bogus. In fact what could be the case is that this entire set of documents is "real" in quite another way. They could be an authentic tool of government disinformation. It is well known that a tactic of disinformation, in the professional sense, is to purposely mix and mingle hard, factual, verifiable data with completely bogus pieces of information. Now, if these documents are, in fact, a product of disinformation, who produced them, and why? Here enters a man by the name of Steven Schwartz, reportedly an acknowledged expert on Soviet era disinformation and a man with connections to the CIA and an alleged association with the Hoover Institution which studied Soviet disinformation tactics during the Cold War period.

According to information received by Lindemann, Schwartz has expressed a strong conviction that this latest set of MJ-12 documents is a product of the Soviet disinformation regime of the Cold War era. Reportedly, Schwartz claims that the Soviets occasionally used the UFO phenomenon in disinformation projects. To date, Schwartz has not elaborated publicly on his assertions regarding this intriguing scenario. However, if his contentions are indeed correct we could surmise at least a couple of things:

(1) the Soviets had spies situated deep within the U.S. intelligence network, which probably is not surprising and

(2) these documents were in fact created some 45 years ago.

   This second item is much more important than the first because it would nail down the age of these documents, thus eliminating the possibility that they were concocted just within the past couple of years as part of some elaborate hoax. It would tell us something else also. It would strongly support the idea that not only was our government aware of the UFO phenomenon as something real but it must also have considered it to be of significant importance; significant enough that the Soviets, realizing the level of U.S. concern about UFOs, would spend the considerable time, effort, and money to concoct an elaborate and sophisticated scheme of disinformation centered entirely around the UFO scenario. Just how this would be used effectively for Soviet purposes, I don’t know, and Schwartz has yet to explain his ideas in a public forum.

So where does that leave us? Are these documents the smoking gun we've been waiting for? Are they part of some sophisticated disinformation scheme cooked up over 40 years ago? Perhaps Mr. Lindemann summed it up best, by saying,

"In the end, the real dilemma regarding the new MJ-12 documents, as with any evidence of UFOs that appears to be tainted by errors, may be that they are more likely to help preserve the UFO cover-up than threaten it. Such is the intent of disinformation -- and history may one day show that no subject ever attracted more intense and expert disinformation than the subject of UFOs. This does not mean, of course, that all of the MJ-12 documents are necessarily fraudulent. Indeed, some may be entirely authentic. But the writing is already on the wall: the controversy will continue unabated. There is no resolution in sight".

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Ten years after my article appeared in FATE Magazine, Timothy Cooper allegedly disavowed his belief that the MJ-12 were authentic and claims he was foolish to have become so involved in the controversy.
The question is, did he genuinely make this retraction of his belief or was it just a way to distance himself from a controversy that became too burdensome to deal with?

For anyone interested in seeing good, full-size images of many of the MJ-12 documents, click here:

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Then & Now… When did "hip" replace "hep"? And were there "rap" lyrics in the 1940s?

When did "hip" replace "hep"? And were there "rap" lyrics in the 1940s?

Let's start with the first question. What led me to write about this today was a comment an email friend wrote about his mother who was born in 1921. He commented that she was pretty hep. I realized he was using that old slang term because it was in use during her era. But it made me wonder just when and how the term "hip" replaced "hep". Would that be a hep replacement? (Sorry. Bad joke.)

When I was a kid back in the late 50s, I remember reading about the "beatniks", especially those involved in the jazz scene. They were known as "hep cats". I can even remember using the word "hep", myself, to mean something or someone was really "cool". Of course just using the word made me cool, too. (chuckle) But when did it change? And who changed it?

It's not really possible to know for certain who first used the word "hip", much less who first used the older word "hep". But, during my search for an answer, I stumbled across some information about a Caucasian jazz pianist in the 1940s by the name of Harry Raab. He grew up in the predominantly Black communities of Harlem. He became known as "The White Negro". (Read more here:

Gibson claimed to have coined the term "hipster" sometime between 1939 and 1945 while he was performing on Swing Street. That's also when he gave himself the stage name of Harry "The Hipster" Gibson.

To say Harry was a wild man, is not an exaggeration. Some of you are old enough to remember the wild performances of rock-n-roll legend, Jerry Lee Lewis, in the late 50s and early 60s. If you haven't been around that long, see the video below. You'll see why I posted this video in a moment.

Now take a look at this clip of Harry "The Hipster" Gibson. Looks to me like Jerry Lee must have been heavily influenced by ol' Harry.

Harry had a pretty good little career going as a live performer for a while but then he wrote and recorded a song called Who Put The Benzedrine In Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine? and he was suddenly blacklisted by the music industry. I'm guessing this lyric in the song may have had something to do with that:

She drank a cup every night
And ooh, how she would dream.
Until somethin' rough got in the stuff
And made her nipples scream.

Here's Harry performing that song:

Regarding these lyrics:

She drank a cup every night
And ooh, how she would dream.
Until somethin' rough got in the stuff
And made her nipples scream.

It occurred to me that the last line may actually be:

"And made her nipples cream."

Without seeing the lyrics in written form, there's no way to know because, when spoken (or sung), they both sound the same and maybe even makes more sense. In any case, it still retains its humor…. albeit in a crude sort of way. Not unusual at all, considering the raw lyrics of a lot of (now obscure) blues songs of the 20s and 30s. But, let's get back to the "Hep" vs. "Hip" conundrum and the question about whether or not "Rap" music existed in the 1940s.

Well, turns out Harry wrote a song called It Ain't Hep and, although I couldn't find a recording of the song, I did find the lyrics. If these lyrics don't read like rap lyrics (allowing for the era in which they were written), I don't know what does. Check it out:

Hey you know there's a lot of talk going around about this hip and hep jive. Lots of people are going around saying "hip." Lots of squares are coming out with "hep." Well the hipster is here to inform you what the jive is all about.

The jive is hip, don't say hep
That's a slip of the lip, let me give you a tip
Don't you ever say hep it ain't hip, NO IT AIN'T
It ain't hip to be loud and wrong
Just because you're feeling strong
You try too hard to make a hit
And every time you do you tip your mitt
It ain't hip to blow your top
The only thing you say is mop, mop, mop
Keep cool fool, like a fish in the pool
That's the golden rule at the Hipster school
You find yourself talking too much
Then you know you're off the track
That's the stuff you got to watch
Everybody wants to get into the act
It ain't hip to think you're "in there"
Just because of the zooty suit you wear
You can laugh and shout but you better watch out
Cause you don't know what it's all about, man
Man you ain't hip if you don't get hip to this hip and hep jive
Now get it now, look out
Man get hip with the hipster, YEAH! Got to do it!
be hip not hep, coz hep is not hip
so just be hip and pray you dont slip!

And finally, just for fun, check out this old black & white clip of Harry "The Hipster" Gibson in a movie called Keep The Beat where he's teaching a high school class about "the beat". Pretty funny. Seems silly now but was undoubtedly considered outrageously "cool" at the time. You'll get a kick out of this:

So, there ya go. Now you're hip to the hep.